donderdag 21 mei 2015

Charcoal drawings


More exercises in drawing people. It's fun to do, but very hard to get the proportions right. I like the way you can use charcoal.

zondag 3 mei 2015

Spray painted folder

Another spray paint project: On decorated paper-paper I used different stencils and sewed it on a cut out folder. It was meant as a small extra gift for a friend of mine.

vrijdag 1 mei 2015

Cards for sale

These are some of the cards now for sale at my local florist shop De Bloemenweide. They are printed on a gelatin plate with plant leaves and small twigs etc. and sewn on thin cardboard.

Also my Çolour my day-booklets (with spray-painted covers) are for sale. I'm very excited about it, since this is the first time I'm trying to sell some of my work. I have no idea if it will work out. But I'm grateful to the owner of De Bloemenweide that she will have a go at it.