vrijdag 9 mei 2014

Charcoal drawings

In the art academy there are also a few lessons in portrait and model drawing. Drawing with charcoal is really something I love, I discovered. Working with lighter and darker surfaces, using the eraser regularly, you can work more freely than by only drawing lines. These  attempts I consider my best ones.

woensdag 7 mei 2014

Loose leaf book

 The simple case I made for the 'book'.

I wanted to make something in subdued colours so I painted two big sheets of paper in greens, rusts and browns. Then I cut them up. Some pages weren't that interesting, but others were worked on with black pen or got small pieces of paper or fabric stitched on. Lately I have a big love for turquoise, so the pieces got a bit more lively. I also made a small stand of foam board so you can display one piece.

dinsdag 6 mei 2014

hotel for insects

My friend Afineke is into clay and she learnt me how to make a little home for insects.

Here it is in my small winter garden after it has been baked. I wonder if insects will visit it this summer. Nowadays it is surrounded by a lot of foliage so it's much more attractive.