Nu de inhoud nog! Ik heb bedacht dat het een voorjaarsdagboek gaat worden, te beginnen met ons tripje naar Deventer in de voorjaarsvakantie.
Nog een heel inspirerende blog is van deze vrouw. Beetje hetzelfde qua stijl.
Ik heb alvast wat foto's genomen van het lege boek en het is natuurlijk toch weer anders dan dat van MAM. Maar goed, misschien lijkt het wat meer op mij nu.
I made my first Mary Ann Moss-journal and I'm very happy with it. Often I've visited her blog and was always in awe with the things she made. I wanted to do that also! The day before yesterday I started with the signatures (4x3 pp) and it was sheer pleasure! Just sewing things together and never minding straight lines, but just putting things together that were colour or shape coördinated. It was also fun to use the papers and cards I got from my swap partners (Kim, Paula, Caterina and Jill). The only thing that was a bit downputting were the problems I had with my sewing machine and that was especially a problem when I had to sew the signatures to the back. I had to do it by heart because I hadn't taken an online class by MAM. But I'm quite happy with the outcome and it's good that's also me and not only MAM. It measures appr. 10x10 inch. Its destination is to be a kind of spring-journal, beginning with enterings from our city-trip to Deventer in spring-break.
Also inspiring for me is this blog.
2 opmerkingen:
Beautiful work! I love your stencils!
Bij het googlen naar Mary Ann Moss kwam ik hier terecht. Mooi journaal heb je gemaakt.
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